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Annual Ryegas Diploid

Annual Ryegrass Diploid


Dipper is a very fast establishing diploid. It has excellent cold tolerance and rust resistance. It is the annual ryegrass of the stars. It was developed and proven to have high forage quality related to animal performance. It is a very high yielding cultivar that reaches maturity early. This makes Dipper ideal for spring grazing. Dipper offers high palatability, high sugars, high energy and a very highly digestible NDF (NDFd) Dipper is excellent for green chop, aquaculture rotation, and overseeding pastures. This deep-rooted variety is a great option as a cover crop when looking for an option to alleviate compaction and build soil structure while covering and holding the soils.

  • Rust Resistance

  • High Nutrition Feed

  • Cold Tolerance

  • High Yields


Annual Ryegrass Tetraploid


Tetibear is a brand for annual ryegrass tetraploid components. Tetibear is a great choice for pasture overseeding or mixing with other pasture grasses or legumes due to its ability to establish fast with impressive per acre yields. 

  • Highly Palpable 

  • Highly Nutritious 

  • Increased Animal Performance

  • Drought Tolerant

  • High Protein

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TetraGrande is an improved tetraploid annual ryegrass. This variety is of medium maturity, is very high yielding, great winter growth, and rust resistant, making this grass very adaptable to a wide geography. It has ranked in the top three in a variety of trials. If that wasn’t enough, with the origin of this variety tracing to a pasture within the Mexican salt flat, TetraGrande is extremely salt tolerant, allowing this variety to be used in areas of high salinity.


Available in Europe.

  • Very High Yields 

  • High Nutritional Value

  • Salt Tolerance

  • Disease Resistance

  • Superior Cold Tolerance

  • Great For Cover Crops 


Spring Green

Spring Green is well adapted throughout regions with varying climate conditions; However, due to Spring Green’s deep and robust root system it can tolerate a wide range of climatic stresses after establishment such as heat, drought and cold. Spring Green also contains excellent disease resistance. Spring Green has a deep, robust root system that is strong and once established helps to produce a healthier plant that tolerates environmental stresses. Spring Green is a prolific forage variety that produces excellent and plentiful foliage. Spring Green takes the best traits of fescue and ryegrass—it is highly palatable, high yielding, and has great nutritional levels.


Available in Europe.

  • ​High Yields

  • Cold Tolerance

  • Heat Tolerance

  • Great Nutrition

Meadow Green

Meadow Green is well adapted throughout regions where climatic conditions vary. Meadow Green can provide excellent yields and nutritional value and is adapted to wide range of climates and soil types. With Meadow Green’s excellent early vigor, it can establish quickly, and delivers excellent disease resistance and salt tolerance. Meadow Green is an improved festulolium that can grow very well in cool damp regions while having the disease resistance necessary to grow in regions of high humidity.

  • High Yielding

  • High Nutrition 

  • Highly Palatable

Europe Flag

Forage Bluegrass 

Big Blue

Big Blue is a blend that is well adapted throughout regions where climatic conditions vary. Big Blue has very wide leaves and has good disease resistance. Big Blue has high total digestible nutrients and is a hardy forage with survivability below zero and blistering hot summers. Big Blue is a very versatile endophyte free blend that can be planted alone or in a mix, and be used for grazing, silage, or hay. 

  • Disease Resistance 

  • High Yields 

  • Cold Tolerance

  • Highly Palatable

Tetraploid Annual Ryegrass
Forage Bluegrass
Soft Leaf Tall Fescue

Soft Leaved Tall Fescue

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Cowgirl is a soft-leaved, endophyte free tall fescue that is suited for both high quality hay production as well as a preferred cool season grass in a grazing situation.  This variety produces impressive yields with high levels of digestible fiber across a wide range of geographies and environmental stresses. Cowgirl exhibits great winter-hardiness as well as heat and drought tolerance.  This variety travels well from Northern climates throughout the transition zone. Cowgirl is a very deep-rooted plant; therefore, it will have peak performance within deep soils.  Cowgirl also performs well in poorly drained soils.


Cowgirl tall fescue provides very high dry matter production and an exceptional amount of highly digestible fiber (NDFd), therefore this variety is best utilized for hay and haylage production.  Often referred as the perfect companion with alfalfa, Cowgirl has the ideal maturity, improved stand persistency and is adapted to conditions where alfalfa struggles, such as poorly drained soils.  Cowgirl also excels as a pasture grass, offering high palatability and the ability to handle the abuses of grazing animals.


Available in Europe.

  • Disease Resistance 

  • High Yields 

  • Cold Tolerance

  • Climate Resistant

  • Soft-Leafed

  • Endophyte Free

  • Medium Late Maturity

  • Highly Palatable For Increased Grazing Intake

Soft Leaved Redtop Bent

Soft Leaved Redtop Bent

Europe Flag

Giant is broadly adapted to a wide range of soil and weather conditions. It thrives in cool moist habitats and is best adapted to the northern states but has been successfully established in a wide range of climatic conditions, especially with management and irrigation. Giant is highly versatile forage grass that can be used for grazing, silage, or hay. Giant is an excellent component in almost any forage mix or it can be used as a standalone crop. It’s robust stolons and rhizomes create a strong dense surface that can tolerate heavy traffic and close grazing.


Available in Europe.

  • Highly Versatile

  • Heavy Traffic Tolerant

  • Salt Tolerant

TetraGain SLT 

TetraGain SLT is extremely salt tolerant and productive under cool and damp climates. Later screened for yield, disease resistance, and forage value, TetraGain SLT has proven to be an exceptional variety. TetraGain SLT is one of the easiest grasses to establish. It may be sown on clean-burned stubble, prepared or unprepared seedbed and it will tolerate wetter soil conditions.


Available in Europe.

  • Salt Tolerant 

  • Very High Yields 

  • High Feed Value 

  • Cold Tolerance

  • Disease Resistance

Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass

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Tetraploid Italian Ryegrass


As the name implies, True Italian ryegrass is an improved tetraploid Italian ryegrass. If planted in the Spring, this variety will not shoot a seed head, or at least very few seed heads, until it goes through winter dormancy, giving the producer many tons of an extremely high energy forage. True excels as a pasture grass, offering exceptional yields, high palatability, high sugars, high energy and a very highly digestible NDF (NDFd).  True is a great option for pasture or haylage as well as a quick emerging cover crop.

  • Medium Early Maturing

  • Very High Yields 

  • Increased Digestible Fiber 

  • Superior Cold Tolerance

  • Disease Resistance

  • Highly Palatable


Chilly Verde

Chilly Verde is a tall forage bermudagrass with wide, soft leaves. It shows rapid establishment from seed and aggressive spreading from stolons and rhizomes. Chilly Verde has persisted through cold winters in North Carolina, where it was developed, and has excellent heat and drought tolerance. Chilly Verde is adapted to a wide range of soil types and soil pH from 4.5-8.0.

  • Wide, Soft Leaves

  • Aggressive Spreading

  • Rapid Establishment 

  • Drought Tolerance 



Elise orchardgrass was originally selected for improved forage production, late maturity, seed production, stripe rust resistance, and drought tolerance. Elise is a stable and uniform variety. Elise is a late-maturing orchardgrass with exceptional winter growth. Its maturity date is about two weeks later than Elsie, and three weeks later than Potomac. It is a very high-yielding variety that has great regrowth potential. The variety has shown improved resistance to winter disease, purple eye spot, leaf scald and leaf rust.

  • Late Maturity

  • Drought Tolerance

  • Exceeding Winter Growth

  • High Nutritional Value

  • Disease Resistance


Elsie is a medium early orchardgrass with great forage yield. The variety heading date is seven days later than Potomac. The cultivar has been tested across many different climates performing well in ground cover, In Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility (IVDMD), and winter growth trials. Elsie has a high level of disease resistance. It has shown improved resistance to stripe rust, crown rust, stem rust, leaf scald and leaf blight. Elsie has exceptional salt tolerance with good drought tolerance.

  • Medium/Early Maturity

  • Leaf Scald & Stripe Rust Resistance 

  • Extreme Salt Tolerance

  • High Nutritional Value


Shawnee orchardgrass stands out amongst the rest with its late maturity, averaging two to four weeks later than Potomac. It has superior disease resistance to leaf, stripe and stem rust, purple eye spot, and leaf scald. Shawnee is able to grow well on heavy and lower quality soils. It is also salt tolerant, making it a good choice for areas with high salinity.

  • Very Late Maturity

  • Salt Tolerant 

  • Disease Resistant

  • Rust Resistant

  • High Nutritional Value



Top Gun

Top Gun is a very durable forage grass with a wide adaption to environments. It is drought tolerant and has low nutrient requirements. Teff is a self-pollinated, warm season annual grass. Due to its fast growth, high yield and high quality it can be harvested multiple times during the growing season

  • Fast Growing

  • High Yield

  • Drought Tolerant

  • Wide Adaptability


Ivory is a late spring, early summer crop that is highly palatable with very rapid growth and fine forage leaf texture. Ivory has very rapid growth with the first cutting generally within 30 days followed by monthly cuttings. It is the newest teff to the market, and has the highest available protein content in the species.

  • Fast Growing

  • High Yield

  • Ivory Teff

  • Wide Adaptability 

  • Fine Leaf Texture


Emarwan is primarily used for hay, pasture, silage, and soil improvement. It is an extremely quick growing crop, easily established, and produces high quality forage. Tolerance of shade allows red clover to be used in shady areas. Emarwan is broadly adapted to a wide range of soil and climatic conditions. Like all red clovers, Emarwan prefers well-drained loamy soils, but it will also grow on soil that is not as well-drained. Medium and fine textured soils are preferred by the plant over sandy or gravelly soils.


Available in Europe.

  • Quick Growing Crop

  • Adapts to Climate

  • Adapts to Wide Range of Soils

Red Clover

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Black Oats

Backen Black Oats

Backen black oat is a true Avena strigosa (also known as Bristle Oat) variety, bred by Pure-Seed Testing, and as such should not be confused with ‘black’ Avena sativa (common oat).  Backen is a cool season annual cereal that provides great weed control, with the species having allelopathic effects on small seed species. True black oats are also known for inhibiting nematodes. Either alone or in a mixture, Backen provides very good erosion control and scavenge nitrogen very well, it also can be used for forage and pas-ture cover. It has high nutritional value and good digestibility for cattle.

  • Great Weed Control

  • Good Allelophathic Effects

Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass
Red Clover
Italian Ryegras
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