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All products listed here are available or pending in Europe as certified European listed seed.

GLX Star

Tall Fescue

Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe. *Pending
TWCA Qualified.

Is a new Tall Fescue introduction from Pure Seed that offers a wide range of desirable attributes. It has extreme gray leaf spot resistance (GLX), making it a good choice…

GLX Aced

Tall Fescue

Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe. *Pending
Recognized on the Maryland-Virginia List.

It was selected for its exceptional tolerance to gray leaf spot and turf quality. GLX Aced also excels in heat and drought tolerance, wear tolerance, and overall disease resistance. GLX…

Sun Fire

Tall Fescue

Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe. *Pending
TWCA Qualified.

Was selected for salt tolerance and has good stem rust resistance. It has a low growth habit/short plant height and good turf quality. Sun Fire is qualified by the Turfgrass…


Tall Fescue

Cool Season Turfgrass

TWCA Qualified.
Available in Europe.
Recognized on the Maryland-Virginia List.

Is a new and improved tall fescue.  It stands out in brown patch resistance, shade tolerance, gray leaf spot resistance, and excellent heat and drought tolerance (TWCA Qualified).



Tall Fescue

Cool Season Turfgrass

TWCA Qualified.
Available in Europe.

It is a dark green cultivar that was selected for drought tolerance.  Rain Dance has shown excellent salt tolerance and summer turf performance.  Rain Dance is tolerant to brown patches,…


EU: Salsol

Tall Fescue

Cool Season Turfgrass

TWCA Qualified.
Available in Europe.
Recognized on the Maryland-Virginia List.

Was selected for superior salt tolerance and brown patch resistance. Saltillo has very good heat and drought tolerance, gray leaf spot, net blotch, stem rust, and crown rust. Saltillo performs…


EU: Picabu

Tall Fescue

Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe.
TWCA Qualified.

Relentless Tall Fescue is a TWCA-qualified turfgrass variety that is known for its excellent brown patch resistance, billbug resistance, and stem rust resistance. It is a drought-tolerant and heat-tolerant grass…

Silver Sport

Perennial Ryegrass

Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe.
Recognized on the Maryland-Virginia List.

Our most elite sports turf variety due to its unique spreading ability, great traffic tolerance, and high density. Silver Sport has an appealing dark green color and can withstand the…

Sun Hawk

Perennial Ryegrass

Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe. *Pending
TWCA Qualified.

Is a new variety out of Pure-Seed Testing’s breeding program and available from Pure Seed. It is TWCA-qualified, making it known for its superior drought tolerance. Sun Hawk also provides…

Silver Sun

Perennial Ryegrass

Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe.

Is a top-performing perennial ryegrass developed by Pure-Seed Testing, Inc. and was selected for its dark green color, superior turf performance, and great resistance to gray leaf spots.


Gray Eagle SLT

Perennial Ryegrass

Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe *Pending

Is a new Perennial Ryegrass introduction from Pure Seed that offers a wide range of desirable attributes. It has extreme salt tolerance (SLT), making it a good choice for areas…

Gray Hawk

Perennial Ryegrass

Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe.
TWCA Qualified.

It was selected for excellent drought tolerance, density, and superior resistance to gray leaf spots and crown rust.  Gray Hawk has outstanding traffic tolerance and turf performance built in.  Gray…

Gray Wolf

Perennial Ryegrass

Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe. *Pending

Is rated at the top of NTEP trials across multiple locations for overall turfgrass quality.  Gray Wolf is resistant to Gray Leaf Spots and Crown Rust. Gray Wolf has performed very…


EU: Carlevé

Perennial Ryegrass

Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe.

Developed by Pure-Seed Testing for excellent green color, early maturity, good crown rust resistance, high seed yield potential, drought tolerance, and salt tolerance. With its early maturity, Carly will offer…

New Sealand

Perennial Ryegrass

Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe.

A new perennial ryegrass variety that will be produced in New Zealand with good gray leaf spot and crown rust resistance.  This variety has performed very well in overseeding trials.

Silver Dollar

Perennial Ryegrass

Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe.

Is a fine textured, very dark green variety. It is resistant to gray leaf spots, and dollar spots. Silver Dollar establishes quickly and develops a very dense turf at various…

Brightstar SLT

EU: Vantage

Perennial Ryegrass

Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe.

Bred and selected based on its outstanding performance and resistance to high levels of salinity.  It endured salt baths in the greenhouse at levels reaching 17,000 ppm. Brightstar SLT has…

Moonlight SLT

Kentucky Bluegrass

Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe.

Is a dark green, elite, low-growing Kentucky bluegrass that is a “Midnight” hybrid. Moonlight SLT was selected for improved salt tolerance and has performed well at levels of 10,000 ppm…


EU: After Midnight

Kentucky Bluegrass

Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe.

Selected for its genetic dark color, low growth habit, and improved shade tolerance. Right also displays tolerance to salt and heat pressure. Right's is resistant to leaf spot, stem rust,…


EU: Midnight Sun

Kentucky Bluegrass

Cool Season Turfgrass

​Available in Europe.
Recognized on the Maryland-Virginia List.

The latest Midnight-type Kentucky bluegrass released from Pure-Seed Testing with a strong heritage dating back to the original Midnight series. Endurance will prove to be a successful elite bluegrass variety…

Harvest Moon

Kentucky Bluegrass

Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe.

Is a new Kentucky Bluegrass variety from Pure Seed that offers a wide range of desirable attributes. It has excellent turf quality, meaning it is dense, dark green, and resistant…


EU: 07S-95

Kentucky Bluegrass

Cool Season Turfgrass

TWCA Qualified.
Available in Europe.
Recognized on the Maryland-Virginia List.

Was selected for its exceptional performance in drought tolerance and winter color. Additionally, this variety displays tolerance to salt and heat pressure. Tirem has good overall disease resistance. Specifically to…

Full Moon

Kentucky Bluegrass

Cool Season Turfgrass

TWCA Qualified.
Available in Europe.

Is a hybrid that traces to Unique, Limousine, and Midnight. It has a rich dark green color, with a medium-fine leaf texture. Full Moon has good winter color and good…


Kentucky Bluegrass

Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe.

Is a quick establishing elite Kentucky bluegrass. It is a Unique/American hybrid with a medium-dark green color, medium fine texture, and good density. It has good heat tolerance, moderate drought…

Bighorn GT

Fine Fescue

Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe.
TWCA Qualified.

Bighorn GT is an American sheep fescue developed for a wide range of adaptability in the turf grass industry. It has been a top performer in glyphosate trials when sprayed…

Soil Guard

Fine Fescue

Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe.

Soilguard is a hard fescue developed for a multitude of applications within the turf grass industry. It has good drought tolerance, a medium vertical growth rate, and good resistance to…


Fine Fescue

Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe.
TWCA Qualified.

Is a Turfgrass Water Conservation Alliance Qualified variety for it displaying exceptional drought tolerance while maintaining good summer turf density.  Xeric was also screened for its heat tolerance and ability…


Fine Fescue

Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe. *Pending

Hixson Chewings Fescue is Pure-Seed Testing’s newest premier fine fescue variety with excellent overall turf quality. It is rust and leaf-spot-resistant, giving it a leg up when it comes to…


EU: Magic Wand GT

Fine Fescue

Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe.
TWCA Qualified.

Is a medium green variety with good overall tolerance to drought conditions. It also displays good tolerance to medium levels (16 oz./acre) of glyphosate applications. Enchantment was a top performer…

Seabreeze GT

Fine Fescue

Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe.
TWCA Qualified.

Displays a bright green color with a spreading, low-growth habit. It has a high salt tolerance with high seed germination rates at 7,000 ppm NaCl and whole plant survival at…

Pure Eclipse


Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe.

Features a striking dark green color and fine leaf texture that produces a beautiful playing surface. A product of a rich heritage that includes the groundbreaking Penn A’s & G’s.…



Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe.

Introducing A+, a revolutionary new blend of bentgrass developed by Pure-Seed Testing headquartered in Canby, Oregon. The new A+ blend is the successor product to the legendary A1/A4 bentgrass blend…



Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe.

PureGreen is a proprietary brand of top-performing creeping bentgrass varieties specifically selected for green use. With enhanced genetics and unique performance characteristics, this blend delivers on the highest level. PureGreen…



Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe.

PureWay is a blend of the latest innovations in creeping bentgrass for tees and fairways. This blend delivers unmatched toughness with shade tolerance, salt tolerance, and disease resistance. The ability…




Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe.

Exhibits a stunning medium green color with a very fine leaf texture. Suitable for greens, tees, fairways, and divot repair.

PC2 is a bentgrass variety that pays homage to the…

Pure Select


Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe.

Tolerates high pH conditions making it an excellent choice for greens, tees, and fairways on golf courses near seashore coastlines, on courses with high pH soils, and/or where effluent water…

Crystal Bluelinks

EU: Crystal Blue


Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe.

Distinguishes itself from other bents with its remarkable turf quality and unique blue-green color. It’s an ideal bentgrass for greens, fairways, and tees. Crystal BlueLinks also resists brown patches and…

Pure Distinction


Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe.

Has a distinctive, bright green color. Its dense and upright growth habit makes for true and smooth putting. It’s aggressive to recover quickly from damage.

Available in Europe.

Pennlinks II


Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe.

Building on the strengths of the original, PennLinks II is an excellent choice for greens, tees, and fairways. Its distinguished, medium dark green coloration and semi-fine leaf texture create a…

TetraGain SLT

Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass

Forage & Cover Crop

Available in Europe.

Is extremely salt tolerant and productive under cool and damp climates. Later screened for yield, disease resistance, and forage value, TetraGain SLT has proven to be an exceptional variety. TetraGain…


Annual Ryegrass Tetraploid

Forage & Cover Crop

Available in Europe.

Is an improved tetraploid annual ryegrass. Tetragrande has medium maturity, is very high yielding with great winter growth, and is rust resistant, making this grass very adaptable to a wide…


Soft Leaved Tall Fescue

Forage & Cover Crop

Available in Europe. *Pending

Is a soft-leaved, endophyte-free tall fescue that is suited for both high-quality hay production as well as a preferred cool season grass in a grazing situation.  This variety produces impressive…


Tall Fescue

Cool Season Turfgrass

Available in Europe. *Pending. Recognized on the Maryland Virginia List.

Was selected for resistance to both brown patch and stem rust, providing it with an advantage when it comes to disease resistant tall fescues.

*EU Pending

Recognized on the Maryland…

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